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The Challenge of Weight Stigma for Women in the Preconception Period: Workshop Recommendations for Action from the 5th European Conference on Preconception Health and Care Int J Environ Res Public Health
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Stratification of obesity phenotypes to optimize future therapy (SOPHIA) Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol
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Changing the global obesity narrative to recognize and reduce weight stigma: A position statement from the World Obesity Federation Obes Rev
Nutter S, Eggerichs LA, Nagpal TS, Ramos Salas X, Chin Chea C, Saiful S, Ralston J, Barata-Cavalcanti O, Batz C, Baur LA, Birney S, Bryant S, Buse K, Cardel MI, Chugh A, Cuevas A, Farmer M, Ibrahim A, Kataria I, Kotz C, Kyle T, le Brocq S, Mooney V, Mulle
Changing the global obesity narrative to recognize and reduce weight stigma: A position statement from the World Obesity Federation Obes Rev
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Bringing an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination: an international consensus statement on evidence and recommendations Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol