Publication Category: Basic Science
Life course effects of genetic susceptibility to higher body size on body fat and lean mass: prospective cohort study
- Waterfield S, Richardson TG, Davey Smith G, O'Keeffe LM, Bell JA. Life course effects of genetic susceptibility to higher body size on body fat and lean mass: prospective cohort study Int J Epidemiol
NK cells vs. obesity: A tale of dysfunction & redemption
De Barra C, O'Shea D, Hogan AE.
NK cells vs. obesity: A tale of dysfunction & redemption Clin Immunol
Obesity dysregulates the pulmonary antiviral immune response
Almond M, Farne HA, Jackson MM, Jha A, Katsoulis O, Pitts O, Tunstall T, Regis E, Dunning J, Byrne AJ, Mallia P, Kon OM, Saunders KA, Simpson KD, Snelgrove RJ, Openshaw PJM, Edwards MR, Barclay WS, Heaney LM, Johnston SL, Singanayagam A.
Obesity dysregulates the pulmonary antiviral immune response Nat Commun
Obesity Characteristics Are Poor Predictors of Genetic Mutations Associated with Obesity
- Al-Humadi AW, Alabduljabbar K, Alsaqaaby MS, Talaee H, le Roux CW. Obesity Characteristics Are Poor Predictors of Genetic Mutations Associated with Obesity J Clin Med
Impact of obese body mass index on inflammasome blood biomarkers and neurocognitive performance following traumatic brain injury with Glasgow coma scale 13 to 15
Eagle SR, Sherry N, Kershaw EE, Basantani MK, Puccio A, McIntyre P, Henry RJ, Okonkwo DO.
Impact of obese body mass index on inflammasome blood biomarkers and neurocognitive performance following traumatic brain injury with Glasgow coma scale 13 to 15 J Neurol Sci
Positive interplay between FFAR4/GPR120, DPP-IV inhibition and GLP-1 in beta cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis in obese high fat fed mice
- Owolabi AI, Corbett RC, Flatt PR, McKillop AM. Positive interplay between FFAR4/GPR120, DPP-IV inhibition and GLP-1 in beta cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis in obese high fat fed mice Peptides
Sex-specific vulnerabilities in human astrocytes underpin the differential impact of palmitic acid
Hidalgo-Lanussa O, González Santos J, Barreto GE.
Sex-specific vulnerabilities in human astrocytes underpin the differential impact of palmitic acid Neurobiol Dis
Positive interplay between FFAR4/GPR120, DPP-IV inhibition and GLP-1 in beta cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis in obese high fat fed mice
- Owolabi AI, Corbett RC, Flatt PR, McKillop AM. Positive interplay between FFAR4/GPR120, DPP-IV inhibition and GLP-1 in beta cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis in obese high fat fed mice Peptides
Interaction of high-fat diet and brain trauma alters adipose tissue macrophages and brain microglia associated with exacerbated cognitive dysfunction
Henry RJ, Barrett JP, Vaida M, Khan NZ, Makarevich O, Ritzel RM, Faden AI, Stoica BA.
Interaction of high-fat diet and brain trauma alters adipose tissue macrophages and brain microglia associated with exacerbated cognitive dysfunction J Neuroinflammation