Grip strength positively correlates with blood pressure in individuals with abnormal adiposity

Type Article

Journal Article


Pratt J, Paolocci N, Boreham C, De Vito G.

Year of publication



J Hum Hypertens





Although strong positive correlations exist between grip strength and cardiovascular health, the association between grip strength and blood pressure (BP) is less clear. In this regard, a more precise relationship between grip strength and BP may be revealed by considering adiposity. We examined the association between grip strength and BP in 9424 individuals aged 18-92 years, while controlling for or stratifying by body mass index (BMI) or body fat (BF)%. Grip strength, BP and BF% were determined using dynamometry, sphygmomanometry and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Overall, those with elevated BP had greater grip strength than those with normal BP (39.17 kg vs 38.38 kg, p < 0.001); however, following stratification this was only observed in overweight or obese individuals (42.08 kg vs 41.10 kg, p = 0.003 and 41.34 kg vs 40.03 kg, p = 0.033), and those within the highest BF% tertile (37.95 kg vs 36.52 kg, p < 0.001). Overall, higher grip strength was associated with an increased odds for elevated BP (OR = 1.014, 95% CI = 1.004-1.024, p = 0.004); however, after stratification the increased odds was only observed in overweight or obese individuals (OR = 1.025, 95% CI = 1.010-1.039, p < 0.001 and OR = 1.018, 95% CI = 1.004-1.031, p = 0.010), and those within the highest BF% tertile (OR = 1.036, 95% CI = 1.022-1.051, p < 0.001). Individuals with low grip strength and high BF% had lower odds for elevated BP (OR = 0.514, 95% CI = 0.341-0.775, p = 0.002), whereas those with low grip strength and low BF% had higher odds for elevated BP (OR = 2.162, 95% CI = 1.026-4.555, p = 0.043). Our findings show that higher grip strength is related to higher BP in overweight or obese individuals, or those with a high BF%. Having a BMI < 25 kg/m2 or lower BF% may neutralise this association.