Glucagon-like peptide-1 therapy in people with obesity restores natural killer cell metabolism and effector function

Type Article

Journal Article


De Barra C, Khalil M, Mat A, O'Donnell C, Shaamile F, Brennan K, O'Shea D, Hogan AE.

Year of publication



Obesity (Silver Spring)








Objective: People with obesity (PWO) have functionally defective natural killer (NK) cells, with a decreased capacity to produce cytokines and kill target cells, underpinned by defective cellular metabolism. It is plausible that the changes in peripheral NK cell activity are contributing to the multimorbidity in PWO, which includes an increased risk of cancer. This study investigated whether therapy with long-acting glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues, which are an effective treatment for obesity, could restore NK cell functionality in PWO. Methods: In a cohort of 20 PWO, this study investigated whether 6 months of once weekly GLP-1 therapy (semaglutide) could restore human NK cell function and metabolism using multicolor flow cytometry, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays, and cytotoxicity assays. Results: These data demonstrate that PWO who received GLP-1 therapy have improved NK cell function, as measured by cytotoxicity and interferon-γ/granzyme B production. In addition, the study demonstrates increases in a CD98-mTOR-glycolysis metabolic axis, which is critical for NK cell cytokine production. Finally, it shows that the reported improvements in NK cell function appear to be independent of weight loss.