Bringing an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination: an international consensus statement on evidence and recommendations

Type Article

Journal Article


Speight J, Holmes-Truscott E, Garza M, Scibilia R, Wagner S, Kato A, Pedrero V, Deschênes S, Guzman SJ, Joiner KL, Liu S, Willaing I, Babbott KM, Cleal B, Dickinson JK, Halliday JA, Morrissey EC, Nefs G, O'Donnell S, Serlachius A, Winterdijk P, Alzubaidi

Year of publication



Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol








People with diabetes often encounter stigma (ie, negative social judgments, stereotypes, prejudice), which can adversely affect emotional, mental, and physical health; self-care, access to optimal health care; and social and professional opportunities. To accelerate an end to diabetes stigma and discrimination, an international multidisciplinary expert panel (n=51 members, from 18 countries) conducted rapid reviews and participated in a three-round Delphi survey process. We achieved consensus on 25 statements of evidence and 24 statements of recommendations. The consensus is that diabetes stigma is driven primarily by blame, perceptions of burden or sickness, invisibility, and fear or disgust. On average, four in five adults with diabetes experience diabetes stigma and one in five experience discrimination (ie, unfair and prejudicial treatment) due to diabetes, such as in health care, education, and employment. Diabetes stigma and discrimination are harmful, unacceptable, unethical, and counterproductive. Collective leadership is needed to proactively challenge, and bring an end to, diabetes stigma and discrimination. Consequently, we achieved unanimous consensus on a pledge to end diabetes stigma and discrimination.