Anti-inflammatory Dietary Intervention in Overweight and Obese Adolescents

Type Article

Journal Article


H. Roche

Year of publication







The emerging model of obesity and diabetes is characterised by sub‐acute chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. Mechanistic data indicates inflamed adipose tissue with increased infiltration of immune cells that generate pro‐inflammatory cytokines. With childhood obesity in Ireland increasing at a rapid pace, it is important to establish the role of a non‐pharmacological dietary approach to decreasing the sub‐acute chronic inflammation seen in overweight and obese children. Several foods contain nutrients that are known to have anti‐inflammatory properties. Such foods including fish, fruits and vegetables are known to be deplete in the adolescent diet. The aim of this project is to investigate whether a nutritional supplement containing anti‐inflammatory nutrients, n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in fish oil), vitamin C, vitamin E, and polyphenols found in green tea and tomato; will improve metabolic phenotype in 13‐18 year old teenagers over an 8‐week period. Further, to provide insight into the role of genetics in the development of metabolic dysregulation and response to dietary treatment.